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Trust does wonders to people

A little story of a conversation between me and one of my product managers ..

Trust does wonders to people

[ Originally published on Linkedin here]

PM (A bit worried) to me – Hey Swapnil, we have a 1:1 catch up scheduled every two weeks right now, but I would like it to be a bit more frequent. Can we talk weekly or daily? I would like to validate my thinking and decisions I make before I talk to the team and stakeholders and communicate them the updates and decisions.

Me – Hmm. Why do you want to validate your decisions with me?

PM – I just want to ensure that I am on right track and making right decisions and have thought through from all perspectives and I think you can help me validate my thinking.

Me – What if I say No?

PM (Puzzled) – But, what if I make a wrong decision? And how would you know what decisions I make every day with regards to the team?

Me – Well, that’s exactly why I say No. I want you to know that I trust you one hundred percent and you should feel comfortable being in-charge and make decisions. Its OK, some decisions will go wrong and we may need to revert those, but that’s the learning you will get through the process. Intent is important and even if you make some decisions wrong keeping right intent, it will not impact my trust and my backing to you.

PM (A bit relieved) – Thanks. Feels better now! What if the team members, do not agree with my decisions?

Me - Well, it’s not enough just to communicate decisions. You should also be able to communicate ‘why’ you made those decisions and what was the reasoning behind them. Tell them the story, constraints, context and intent behind making that decision and be open and transparent with them. I am sure they will understand each decision you make and by doing this, you are also strengthening the trust bond between you and team members.

PM (Happy) – Makes lot of sense. Thanks! But I would still like to come and talk to you on things that puzzle me.

Me – Anytime! Like you just did today!

Trust does wonders to people!

#trust #leadership #decisions

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