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Emerging Leadership Series.

Emerging leadership series - In conversation with Partha Dash

20 Feb 2023

Partha is a thought leader and a passionate technologist having 14 + years of experience in Networks and Security domain. He is currently playing the role of enterprise network architect with Thoughtworks.

For Partha, leadership is like parenting and is based on trust and integrity.

Emerging leadership series - In conversation with Gyanesh Ojha

16 Feb 2023

Gyanesh started his IT career as a developer more than two decades ago but soon transitioned into the security domain out of curiosity.

He is someone who does not like to say "no" and help whoever comes to him with a problem. Gyanesh derives satisfaction on solving problems and feeling of responsibility and trust motivates him.

Emerging leadership series - In conversation with Junjun Yang (Lily)

14 Feb 2023

Junjun Yang, also called as Lily, is part ofthe Digital Capabilities team with @Thoughtworks IT.

She started her career in China in in Digital marketing & communications, before moving to Silicon Valley technology start up as a Marketing director. She is motivated to learn new things, gain new skills and taking on new responsibilities and solve problems.

Emerging leadership series - In conversation with Gayathri Sribharath

13 Feb 2023

Gayathri is the Global IT-Compliance Lead for /thoughtworks and an auditor with a strong focus on Information Technology audits.

Professionally, she loves collaborating and accomplishing big things as a part of a team and her thinks current role in /thoughtworks allows her to do this daily.

Emerging leadership series - In conversation with Sakthivel Viswanathan

9 Feb 2023

Sakthivel Viswanathan is a Technology Principal with Thoughtworks and co-leads the IDP (Internal Developer Platform) Program.

With more than a decade of experience, his strong focus has been to bridge the gap between technology and business objectives and to make the jobs of the business leaders easier.

Emerging leadership series - In conversation with Abdul Jeelani

1 Feb 2023

Abdul is a passionate techie with good interpersonal skills who understands business and tech equally well. He is of a firm belief that strategy without execution is hallucination.

Emerging leadership series - In conversation with Sujana Arul Selvi Alaguraj

1 Feb 2023

Sujana is a natural leader. She enjoys helping others learn new things and realise their full potential. She also thinks that's a great way to learn and realize her own potential.

Being a mother of two, staying on top of her game has been one of her top challenges with its own highs & lows. Sujana considers Jesus Christ as her role model continues to learn everyday from the way He leads with humility, love and integrity.

Emerging leadership series - In conversation with Jinjun Huang

30 Jan 2023

Jinjun Huang comes with 14+ years of experience in IT and has been with @thoughtworks since 2018. He joined us as a Tech Lead and then switched to become a Product Manager in 2020.

Jinjun looks up to his father in law as a role model. Jinjun has learnt key lessons of responsibility, hardwork, and optimism from him.

Emerging leadership series - In conversation with Ganesh Kumar Balusamy

28 Jan 2023

Ganesh is a product manager of NEO with @thoughtworks. He considers his 14 yrs daughter as his role model and he proudly acknowledges she inspires him with her dedication, determination, firm decision making, and clarity of thoughts.

Emerging leadership series - In conversation with Vijayalakshimi Kandasamy

25 Jan 2023

Vijayalakshimi Kandasamy (Viji) comes with 19 years of IT experience and leads one of the most important project within internal IT.

Viji is very passionate about solving problems and has a keen interest towards Project and People management. She loves to be close to nature and spend her spare time trying to maintain a small farmland.

Emerging leadership series - In conversation with Venkatesh V

12 Jan 2023

A strong desire to be a catalyst or a problem solver brings Venkatesh to work everyday. He is at his best when he is connected to people.

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