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Emerging leadership series - In conversation with Sakthivel Viswanathan

9 Feb 2023

Sakthivel Viswanathan is a Technology Principal with Thoughtworks and co-leads the IDP (Internal Developer Platform) Program.

With more than a decade of experience, his strong focus has been to bridge the gap between technology and business objectives and to make the jobs of the business leaders easier.

Emerging leadership series - In conversation with Sakthivel Viswanathan

How would you introduce yourself?

“Hello there!” I am Sakthivel. Working as an application developer in /thoughtworks. In recent months, playing the role of Technology Principal for Digital Platform products.

Having a decade long experience in programming and leading the technology side of delivery. In recent years, my strong focus has been on bridging the gap between the technology and business objectives with the goal to support and make the jobs of business leaders easier. I spend most of my time in my leadership role and I continue to find a balance in keeping myself updated with the evolving technology world in the areas that are of interest to me.

Can you tell me a bit about your career journey? What inspired you to take on the leadership role?

I still feel and remember the enthusiasm, challenges and late nights during the initial days of my programming career. With the days passing, It was personally evident that my interpersonal and career skills grew with varied opportunities and stints. I remember taking on the leadership role during my days in Cognizant for the first time, when I was expected to influence a client with programming expertise with the intention of forming an offshore team with three members. It was a wonderful opportunity to understand the leadership role and I was prepared and ready to take on the unknown and came out well with tons of learnings.

The single most important turning point in my career was the experience I gained by putting myself on the spot and to take on the challenges through the journey. It was the best thing that I did for myself and it helped both professionally and personally.

What were the top challenges you faced during your journey and how did you overcome them?

From my personal experience, the challenges I faced during my journey include managing my time and reducing the cognitive load for operating effectively. I have come a long way from the time it was incredibly difficult to manage my time and I continue to reflect and adapt based on the needs.

Some of the key strategies that I follow to be effective in my role is to have a focused time and to start the day with must do items. Ensuring to reflect on the progress at the end of day and course correcting if necessary. This helps to consciously plan the next day better. To manage the cognitive load, I tend to avoid switching contexts too much. While it is important to respond to pressing items, it is equally important to plan for a dedicated time for activities such as these. In my opinion, there is no one rule that fits all but opportunities to experiment and learn from individual experience. I am personally a big fan of doing “One thing at a time” which gives a sense of self satisfaction in accomplishing goals instead of trying to complete “Way too many things at a time”.

What motivates you everyday?

Nature is a great source of inspiration and motivation for me. Tiny events such as birds chirping, morning sun shine, clear blue skies and cool breeze, gives me a positive vibe which takes the day forward.

Do you have a role model in your life? Can you name a few people who you look up to?

My parents are my role models. Their dedication and tireless effort to shape my future is the single most thing I admire whole-heartedly. The other personality that I admire most is my spouse. She has been my guiding light and the person I look to during some critical times in the recent years.

Apart from them, Late Dr A.P.J. Abdul Kalam inspired and continues to inspire me. His humbleness, devotion to his profession, dedication and the heights he has reached through hard work is something that is cherished by millions of people, I am proud to say that I am one in the million. I recommend reading his autobiography “Wings of fire”.

What does leadership mean to you? How would you describe your leadership style?

To me leadership is all about commitment. It is vital for leaders to be committed to a goal. A leader, who demonstrates strong commitment towards a goal can easily nurture confidence and trust among others. No one is perfect and I am no exception. I strongly believe in commitment and I always try my best to be as committed as possible.

The other important leadership style that I follow is active listening. A leader listening to his subordinates and juniors demonstrates that he or she is willing to value their ideas and perspectives. This increases trust, innovation and fosters a positive work environment. An environment where people are ready to talk about anything related to their work is an outcome of a leader who values opinions however small they are.

What would be your advice to other leaders?

Being an effective leader is a continuous learning journey, a general advice that I have for my fellow leaders is to continue the learning process irrespective of the position you are now in. Continuous learning helps us to sharpen our skills and be more effective.

Be open minded to accept constructive criticism and feedback. Being humble and understanding the criticism helps us to adapt and course correct in challenging situations and environments. Always embrace failure as you celebrate success.

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